What is evidenced-based acupuncture?
Acupuncture is well known as a method of treatment in its own right and as a complement to Western medicine. Supporting the body to heal itself is a primary aim of acupuncture.
Evidence Based Acupuncture is a useful resource offering access to the latest evidence summaries for acupuncture in the treatment of pain, anxiety, menopause, etc.
Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of fine needles under the skin at specific acupuncture points on the body or at tender points, e.g. tight bands of muscle. Acupressure (gentle pressure) can also be used in place of needles, and is a useful tool to self-treat between acupuncture sessions.
Acupuncture channels (or meridians) in East Asian Medicine are as central to the understanding of health as anatomy is to Western Medicine. The key difference is a focus on energy versus structure. Whilst Western Medicine is interested in how the anatomical structure of the body relates to function, and how disease within the body affects optimal function, the Eastern approaches consider how the body’s function relates to the flow of energy and how a disruption to that energetic flow can impair or impede function. Acupuncture points in use today have centuries of research behind them supporting their specific effects on the body.
In simple terms, acupuncture enables the body’s energetic systems and pathways to flow freely. In fact, one theory suggests that the channels flow throughout the body’s fascia (or connective tissue), and this often informs yin yoga approaches to accessing channels via held stretches.
A free flow of Qi (pronounced Chee) can be thought of as the body’s systems working synergistically (together) and functioning at their optimal capacity for health. Any interruption of Qi flow, via a stagnation of Qi or via a deficiency of Qi, can affect one’s health and wellbeing.​

What can acupuncture treat?
By supporting the body to heal itself, acupuncture can provide positive results for a range of conditions (physical or emotional) and aid recovery from injury.
If you have an eligible injury you can receive part-funded treatment with ACC. A referral (from a GP, physiotherapist, osteopath, or chiropractor) is required to access ACC part-funded treatment for acupuncture. ACC funding for acupuncture is limited per ACC claim to a maximum of 12 treatments or 12 weeks (whichever comes first).
Wendy has a particular interest in the following: -
Pain management - both acute (short-term) and chronic (long-term) pain
Rehabilitation of muscle and joint injuries
Relief for arthritis / painful joints / chronic conditions
Referred pain from tight muscles (trigger points)
Help with fatigue / sleep / digestion
Stress management, anxiety, depression
Menstrual pain/irregularity
Perimenopause and menopause
Asthma and breathwork
Nerve pain / neuropathy affecting the hands or feet