Exercise Rehab
A life well lived is a life that MOVES you. MOVE WELL with KRC. 
From stretches to squats, from core control to a clear mind, from footwork on the Reformer to the felt sensation of your breath supporting your movement. Move towards wellbeing with KRC. 
What is Exercise Rehab?
We provide bespoke sessions with Wendy Reynolds PhD (Acupuncturist & Exercise Rehab Provider). These sessions are designed to elevate your health and help with injury recovery. Your rehab sessions will be a blend of movements that include Pilates equipment (Reformer and Wall Tower), a suspension station, exercise props, and plenty of room to take time out from your day to focus on you.
Our aim is to support you in establishing a movement practice that meets your needs. You can feel confident that your session is tailored to your recovery and your goals, and that you will have a home programme to fit your lifestyle. Drawing on a broad toolkit from Pilates, yoga, myofascial release, and embodiment research, Wendy enjoys the challenge of enabling clients to experience the benefits of moving with body and mind engaged.  
How does it work?
Exercise Rehab can be accessed either as a private (non-ACC) booking or as part of your ACC recovery journey.
How to book?
For private (non-ACC) rehab:
If you are new to the clinic (e.g. have not had chiro, massage, osteo or acupuncture with us) or are new to exercise, please book an Exercise Rehab Initial Consultation. Our 1-hr consult ensures that an exercise programme can meet you where you are and help you move forward. Follow up rehab sessions can be 45mins or 30mins.
If you have been to us recently for treatment you should be able to book straight in to our Exercise Rehab sessions! We have a Pre-Exercise Screening Form for you to complete before partaking in any of our Exercise Rehab offerings. You are very welcome to contact us if you are unsure or would like some advice before signing up.
For ACC rehab:
Please call the clinic to book or ask your clinician at your next appt. Initial ACC rehab appointments are 45mins, with 30min follow ups.